Mi Aysa

Since we have memory, we have been taught both at home and in school about the care of the most precious resource for humans: water. It can be as simple as ‘when we brush our teeth, we should turn off the tap’ or ‘let’s not take too long in the shower.’ From a young age, we have automated these actions into our daily habits.

Nowadays, we see it as a routine, requiring no effort to perform these actions. It goes beyond thinking about the bills for water consumption; it is ingrained in our subconscious to care about water usage. However, a significant portion of the population is not conscious of water conservation. We didn’t have to go far to find this issue; a great example is the Federal Capital, Buenos Aires. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each individual residing in the capital consumes 612 liters of drinking water per day, while the WHO suggests that an individual only needs 100 liters of water to meet their needs. Why does this happen? A report from the Ciudad Foundation explains that this occurs due to a low level of awareness, citizen participation, and adherence to coexistence norms. Not to mention the fact that the government fails in its role of controlling this matter. There are not many proposed solutions, but today there is the BA 147 application. In this app, citizens of Buenos Aires can report, make complaints, and submit requests about the city. This enables citizens, through the application, to report situations of illicit water consumption, allowing the government to take action


As we know, not everywhere teaches these values regarding water conservation or adheres to the regulations governing the responsible use of this resource. We have conceived an idea for a solution. Create an app where each family or individual residing in the federal capital can connect, register their residence, and then be responsible for paying their water consumption bills. If they exceed the 100 liters of water that the World Health Organization estimates as necessary to meet individual needs, these individuals will have to pay an additional fee on top of the water bill. Separately, the app will have an awareness section informing users about all the consequences of daily water wastage and providing basic solutions to reduce it.


We have conducted an analysis of the water issue in the Federal Capital, its consequences, and the measures being taken in this regard. In the process, we focused on the problem of water wastage due to a lack of household care and concluded that one of the most crucial points to address this issue is education. Since this situation could improve with the simple act of changing some habits, it is essential for society to be informed and able to care for water.

Wave of garbage

It is a known fact that the environment is being permanently affected by our presence and all the activities that we do, but while researching on this topic, there was a news that particularly impressed us: the death of marine fauna. After an extensive study, we discover that the principal cause of this is the marine waste, or in other words, any type of garbage that we generate and it ends up infecting to the ocean.

Our study also revealed that nowadays physical solutions already exist, therefore we decided to attack with campaigns to raise awareness. We strongly believe that it is essential to clean the oceans and provide a healthier environment for all the animals, but it is useless to clean them if they are going to end up being dirty again. Hereby, we decide to focus on the kids of our community and to show them the importance of the oceans, to prevent these form filling with plastic and unwanted chemicals again. We aimed at the younger generation due to the fact that they are our future and the world that we are shaping and cleaning today, is for them.
For our campaign we design a panel to shock every student of the secondary school who run up to it. In it, we created a wave out of our daily waste, which refers to the name of our campaign “Wave of garbage”, and place posters with important facts highlighting the quantity of garbage that is present in the ocean nowadays. As for the kids of primary school, we prepared a short talk in which we show them a glass with water and candy wrappers, forcing them to put themselves in the shoes of all the animals that live among waste every day. For this, we asked them if they would like to drink this water, which kept them amazed.
To finish, we wanted our campaign, in spite of having focused it in our own community, to expand and reach as many heads as possible. Therefore, we created a website, where we have placed all the information that we had gathered and invite any visitor to collaborate not only spreading our discoveries, but also helping other campaigns that nowadays are cleaning oceans and beaches.
In conclusion, we would like to emphasize the importance that the water masses have in our lives, since not only they represent a source of food or recreation, but they are part of the environment just like us. A phrase that marked our campaign was “If the oceans die, we die” (Captain Paul Watson) and in spite of its simplicity, we think that there is no better phrase that summarizes our cause. Let’s not leave them to die, because we will be killing ourselves. Let’s take care of them just as how we would like to be treated.