Atmospheric pollution:

Air pollution is not only a current problem, but it is also global. Pollution is directly related to the burning of fossil fuels such as oil because this releases extremely harmful particles. This worsened in the eighteenth century after the industrial revolution as it increased the burning of the above. From the middle of the 20th century, the changes accelerated, due to the increase in production in factories.

This problem is not only focused on big cities, but affects the whole world in the same way, this being a global problem. Global temperatures are rising faster and faster, melting the poles, even rising sea levels. The ozone layer is being destroyed, having the passage of cosmic rays that are very harmful to all living beings, not just humans. In cities, the accumulation of many gases and particles, which manifest as smog, creates an environment that is highly harmful to health.


The problem that we decided to combat is air pollution generated by soot, which is caused by the combustion of vehicles. Exposure to high levels of air pollution can cause many adverse health outcomes. For example, soot enters the respiratory system and then the blood, causing cardiovascular accidents.

About 25% of all energy-related CO2 emissions come from transportation. These emissions produce approximately 400,000 premature deaths per year due to poor air quality (AQUAe Fundación, 2018).

Air pollution can be irreversible for life on the planet, therefore, work must be done to mitigate air pollution.

Polluting particles PM2.5 and PM10 (for its acronym in English), are those particles that are suspended in the air, such as dust, soot, smoke and aerosol. Large amounts of particles are typically emitted by vehicles, among others.

For this reason we decided to face this problem, analyzing mitigation measures and looking for possible solutions that help us combat this problem.

Our idea:

Our project is an intelligent parking lot whose objective is to mitigate the damage caused mainly by vehicles. It would be possible since the cars will travel a shorter distance and will not be turning around inside a parking lot looking for a place to park. When a person is about to enter the parking lot, before entering, they scan a QR code with their cell phone, which directs them to our website. Once inside, you will be shown the path to follow to park your vehicle in an available spot. In turn, the parking lot will have LED lights above each parking space that will indicate the availability or not of a space.

In this way, we reduce the largest air pollutant that is soot, generated by the anthropic action of man, since exposure to high levels of air pollution can cause many adverse health outcomes and generate a great environmental impact.

Other solutions:

Some possible solutions proposed by the experts include the use of public transport or bicycles (also promoted by the State) and thus reduce the number of cars that burn fossil fuels circulating on the street, since as Xavier Querol analyzes, most of the polluting particles come from here

María Victoria Toro Gómez explains how technology can help prevent the environmental impact from being greater, and the Argentine government is using different measures to achieve this. What is being done is the certification of emissions of new vehicles, that is, to restrict the carbon footprint that new vehicles may have, in addition to controlling the production of such so that it is not so polluting.

More public transport, less pollution

Pollution is a gargantual problem now a days, and we took action to try to reduce the pollution in the cities. Cars are the most polluting objects in the cities, and the only way to reduce the number of cars is to convince people that using them is wrong.

We analyse the problem and we reach to a conclusion:

As to convince people we created an app which gives points to each passenger of public transport Just for using it, and then this points could be changed for discounts in local food stores.

Bondiapp website

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Silver Electrocatalyst

We started by researching an environmental problem, which was air pollution and how it affects global health. 80% of people in the world breathe contaminated air and this has many negative consequences for health. When me examined this issue more thoroughly we came up with an idea to try to improve the situation.

Our idea is to use a Silver Electrocatalyst, which decomposes CO2 (carbon dioxide) to CO (carbon monoxide) and O (oxygen), and place it in factories throughout the world so that carbon dioxide emissions, created from industries, are reduced.

This would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that people breathe and at the same time the number of people that get sick because of air pollution. Also the company that owns the factory could sell or reuse the carbon monoxide that at the same time can be used in other industries.

If you want to know more about our solution you can be  inform  by the following presentation:

<iframe src=”″ frameborder=”0″ width=”960″ height=”569″ allowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” webkitallowfullscreen=”true”></iframe>

And if you want to know more about the problem, we would like to share the following document: