
GeoPlant is a business carried out by 6th year students of seccondary school. With the objective of facing the problematic of lack of green spaces in our surrroundings , we design the solution in a mobile application called GeoPlant. The main purpose of this innovative tool is to notice merchants, municipalities, gobernants and neighbours which type of bushes, plants or trees you are capable to plant in your garden, square, field, and many places by a questionnaire with different options easy to understand, which by finishing it, it will give you a result of which type of soil do you have, and what can you plant in it.

We also developed a website.


The increasing of green spaces can really be essential for the prosperity of the biodiversity. Nowadays, it´s very common the lack of this spacces, due to the large amount of edifications that are because of the big crew of people that live in those cities. Our group decided to emphazise in this subject, because we are interested in how the lack of this green spaces damage our health and reduce anthropic action, because through the process of photosynthesis, trees are able to absorb carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere and expel oxygen (O2) as waste, which we need to live, simultaneously reducing the environmental impact.

<a href="http://”>http://<iframe src=”″ frameborder=”0″ width=”960″ height=”569″ allowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” webkitallowfullscreen=”true”></iframe>

Agrochemicals: a global issue

Nowadays, not only do agrochemicals represent a problem which affects the health and well-being of people but also the environment globally.  In Argentina, since 1996, more and more agrochemicals are being used, as well as GM crops with the aim of optimizing harvests and generating products with fewer problems during cultivation. The reason why most farmers are in favor of the use of agrochemicals is due to the effective prevention and control of pests, in addition to the fact that they provide an improvement in yields.

Owing to our concern about getting to know really what we are eating, we started think ing of a way to mitigate the impact caused by this problem. Despite the fact that chemicals in the agricultural field are present throughout the world and eradicating their use in large companies is almost impossible, we believe that change begins from individuality and local action.

Our idea:

In order to address the problem introduced, we decided to design an app called “Garden in community”, with the aim of promoting the development of community gardens in the district of Almirante Brown. After doing some research and touring our city, we discovered that very few people have notion on this subject. Therefore, our challenge was to find a way to encourage people to collaborate with the production of organic gardens, not only to raise awareness about the production and consumption of healthier food, but also to achieve better nutrition in society. and contact with nature.

Through this shared gardens it would be possible to reduce the environmental impact as there would be a decrease in intensive agriculture and transgenic foods, together with encourage current and future generations to lead a healthier life. Green spaces would be used and help would be provided to public kitchens. It is a non-profit app which can be downloaded by anyone who wishes to participate.

Explanation of the project and prototype:

Plastic trash

Plastic pollution, millions of tons of plastic are disposed per year. This affects the marine fauna mainly because most of the plastics are thrown into our oceans where there is a huge percentage of life. We are killing hundreds of animals when we dispose of plastics improperly. In addition, plastics take hundreds of years to degrade or thousands of years depending on the plastic, so when one of us throws a plastic this will stay there for a long time. Not only aquatic animals are being affected due to plastics, we also because plastic are poisons, we are poisoning ourselves. The recycling of plastic is not the solution for this dangerous waste, we must eliminate it, but since this will be much longer and more complicated,we have to start with something and the first step will be the recycling of these.

The problem is the lack of education since they are children,this mean since they start to become aware and realize things. Where is that? in kindergarden. There are missing campaigns so that these children are recorded in the head what we are doing when we do not recycle, the animals that we are killing and everything that happens with those wastes. If it is possible for them to become aware since they were little they transmitted them to their parents and then to their children. Their children are going to transmit to their children and so on, nobody said that the problem of recycling will be solved from one day to the next but these children will be our future, and what better than that future is one in which recycling is performed?

Our proposal of solution is to go and give a class in kinder gardens with games and songs to make them understand what is happening and how they can help. Also our prototype is going to be left in the kinder garden for them to use and throw away their plastic and thus feel that they are recycling and helping. We also get drums and we will give these to decorate and take them to their homes to use them as dasbins and the idea is that these children transmit them to their parents and their friends and start recycling from young.

The prototype consists in a trash can made with plastic bottles and that can only be discarded from plastics and then recycled or reused, but will definitely not be released into the oceans and, therefore, the percentage of animals that will be reduced will be reduced. They die every day because of these plastics that are considered a dangerous waste. In addition, the bottle caps will also be reused to make the caps of the remedies, for example.

Our prototype will have a long-term effect because the problem of waste pollution can not be solved overnight, but if we all help our future generations, they will live in a country where everything is recycled and plastics are no longer there. In the oceans there will be less and less garbage, the marine fauna will be less affected by what we do but for this to happen we have to use our prototype to separate the plastics and the colored buckets to separate the other waste and when want to give a bag say NO and so make an impact.